DAEDALUS Explore is an interactive dashboard tool that allows users to simulate the health, education and economic impacts of hypothetical future pandemic scenarios for 7 pandemics of varying severity in 67 countries. The 7 pandemics are informed by the characteristics of pathogens that have caused historic pandemics.
The dashboard provides estimates of:
DAEDALUS Explore allows users to choose a country, a pandemic, and a response amongst four options (no closures, school closures, business closures, and elimination). Response is the mitigation that policy makers can choose once the pandemic strikes. DAEDALUS Explore allows users to explore the inherent trade-off between different response strategies. For example, business closures may result in higher economic costs, but lower deaths compared to a response that does not mandate closures.
The losses associated with pandemics can be influenced by investments into global vaccine R&D and manufacturing, and into hospital capacity. Users can explore the impact of such investments on health, education and economic pandemic impacts by comparing the outcomes of scenarios with different investments. The impacts of all pandemic scenarios for the countries are projected in terms of GDP loss (absolute, and in % of pre-pandemic GDP), the long-term income loss caused by the interruption of education in schools, and in terms of lost life years, valued in monetary terms.
DAEDALUS Explore is generated by the integrated economic-epidemiological model DAEDALUS and uses publicly accessible data sources. For full details on the underlying DAEDALUS model visit GitHub and read Haw et al (2022).1
The DAEDALUS Explore dashboard tool employs historical disease and policy response data and is not updated in response to data generated from real-time disease outbreaks. The dashboard is therefore not intended to be used as a tool to predict the effects of real epidemic and pandemic events, nor is it fitted to health/economic outcome data from previous pandemics.
Instead, by changing the dashboard’s pandemic characteristics, DAEDALUS Explore illustrates the hypothetical societal value of differing pandemic preparedness and response activities, and in doing so, endeavours to supports effective future pandemic planning, preparedness and response.
If you have any queries regarding DAEDALUS Explore, please contact: daedalus.explore@imperial.ac.uk
The DAEDALUS Explore dashboard and the underlying DAEDALUS model were created by ‘The Jameel Institute – Kenneth C Griffin Initiative for the Economics of Pandemic Preparedness’ (EPPI), a partnership between the Jameel Institute at Imperial, the Imperial College Business School, the World Health Organization and Singapore’s Programme For Research In Epidemic Preparedness And Response (PREPARE), National Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCID) and Umeå University in Sweden. For more information, visit the website of the EPPI Initiative.
A large team of authors have contributed to the development of DAEDALUS Explore, and the underlying code, since spring 2020.
David Mearsa,b, Pratik Guptea,b, Emma Russella, Anmol Thapara, Mantra Kusumgara, Rich FitzJohna
Patrick Doohanb*, Rob Johnsonb*, David Hawb,c, Kanchan Parchanib, Christian Morgensternb, Matteo Pianellad, Wei Hao Kwoke, Jeremy Chane, Paula Christenb, Kelvin Bryan Tane, Peter C Smithf, Giovanni Forchinib,g, Katharina Hauckb
* contributed equally
The EPPI Initiative gratefully acknowledges research funding from Community Jameel and Kenneth C Griffin which enabled the development of the DAEDALUS model and DAEDALUS Explore dashboard.
The DAEDALUS model code is provided “as is”, without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement.
In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.
Icon by Esri in MIT License via SVG Repo
Icon by Carbon Design in Apache License via SVG Repo
Vectors and icon by Vectopus in MIT License via SVG Repo
Icon by Carbon Design in Apache License via SVG Repo
The country borders shown on the world map in DAEDALUS Explore are reflective of boundaries as employed by the World Health Organization (WHO), including both national borders and disputed borders: https://gis-who.hub.arcgis.com/pages/detailedboundary. The code underlying the WHO-aligned world map can be accessed here.
The country borders depicted on the world map do not reflect any expression of opinions by the DAEDALUS Explore creators. The world map may be intermittently updated in line with code rewrites, however the timing of such updates will be at the discretion of the DAEDALUS Explore creators.